Strategy and policy

Enhancing transport, digital and energy connectivity and making these systems work better can be a way of meeting economic and wider decarbonisation, environmental and societal goals. Strategies set out these goals and how we will meet them, establishing programmes of appraised policies and interventions to realise the desired change.

No strategy development process is the same, but central to each is the combination of knowledge, skills and experiences within a structured framework. Drawing on our company-wide experience, including demand forecasting, appraisal, option development, engineering, implementation and public and stakeholder engagement, our team has the skills and experience to develop compelling, evidence-based implementable strategies at local, city-regional and national scales.

We work closely with our clients to combine our understanding of the problems and challenges they face with our deep domain-knowledge in developing innovative and implementable strategies and programmes. We bring a tool-box of methods and techniques that we can use to frame the problem, develop options and identify the optimum way forward. We can take our clients through the entire strategy development process, or often we bring specialist input to key stages.

How we can help you

We work with all levels of government and have specific expertise and experience working with partnerships and multi-headed clients. Our core offer includes:

  • Governance and organisation
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Vision and objective setting
  • Evidence base development
  • Option assessment and appraisal, including impact assessments (e.g. Strategic Environmental Assessments/Environmental Impact Assessments, Habitats Regulation Assessment and Equality/Community Impact Assessments
  • Funding and financing
  • Strategy and policy development and writing
  • Action plan, programme and implementation advice
  • Guidance development

We are Steer

Yes, you are in the right place. After 40 years, we have changed our name from Steer Davies Gleave to mark our growing international footprint and our expanding portfolio into sectors beyond transport.

Explore our new website to learn more about Steer: who we are, how we work and what our future holds.

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