Economic modelling and forecasting

Forecasting demand and the impacts of transport interventions is at the heart of strategy development, the transport business case and securing powers and permissions to implement new transport schemes. Our clients want reliable forecasts that make the best use of available data and the modelling techniques available.

Taking account of relevant guidance and international best practice, our team build and develop variable demand and uni-modal models at the local, regional and national scale. We apply these models to support strategy development, business case development and powers’ applications. We review and audit models developed and applied by others, often acting as a critical friend.

Underpinning our approach to demand forecasting is an understanding of best practice and of guidance. When it comes to guidance we understand and apply not just the guidance itself, but the principles that underpin it. This allows us to develop and apply approaches which are proportionate to the questions that our clients want demand models and the forecasts they produce to illuminate.

Demand forecasting underpins strategy and scheme development, including the processes for attaining funding and powers to build and operate new transport schemes. Both the public and private sectors use demand forecasting for concessions, either to frame the contract or to support bids.

How we can help you

We can support both public and private sector clients with a package of modelling and forecasting related skills. Our core offer includes:

  • Demand, benefit and revenue modelling
  • Variable demand modelling (VDM)
  • Uni-model modelling for highways and public transport
  • Micro-simulation

We are Steer

Yes, you are in the right place. After 40 years, we have changed our name from Steer Davies Gleave to mark our growing international footprint and our expanding portfolio into sectors beyond transport.

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