Operations & service delivery

Delivery of operations is changing rapidly with the use of digital inputs allowing the development of forecasting tools and rapid understanding of different operating models. We can use these approaches to diagnose and support existing operations or plan future operating scenarios, for example for rail franchise bids or wider bus and tram service developments and enhancements.

Improving operations and delivery of services to customers is at the forefront for all transport operators. Our team can thoroughly assess complex operating models and analyse what is working and where improvements can be made. The application of digital data and operational modelling tools allow us to assess multiple scenarios maximising the benefit to customers and potentially reducing operating costs.

We can bring a wide understanding of worldwide markets and approaches, deploying learning across modes and across continents. Our approach brings together demand and revenue forecasting, with cost modelling and option development allowing us to diagnose, understand and forecast the impact of operational changes at the strategic and detailed levels of your business.

How we can help you

We work with a range of partners including central and devolved government, operating companies, new market entrants, user groups and developers. We work at both the strategic level developing policy and guidance and the tactical level diagnosing and resolving deployment problems. Our core offer includes:

  • Service design and specification
  • Resource and operational cost modelling
  • Performance improvement
  • Revenue collection and protection
  • Resilience and risk assessment
  • Incentive design and modelling

We are Steer

Yes, you are in the right place. After 40 years, we have changed our name from Steer Davies Gleave to mark our growing international footprint and our expanding portfolio into sectors beyond transport.

Explore our new website to learn more about Steer: who we are, how we work and what our future holds.

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