Ferrovie Emilia Romagna SrL (FER) manages the regional railway infrastructure in Emilia Romagna, Italy, and covers the second largest network in the country. The company was created in 2012 from the amalgamation of different departments of other local transport companies and, although it gave itself a logo, it had never considered its values or how these should be presented.
At the end of 2013, our design team was tasked with developing a consolidated brand and wayfinding strategy for FER. Central to the project was the definition of the operator's core company values, up until this point the company had no clear customer facing voice or presence.
The biggest challenge was to support the company in their efforts to move on from B2B to a customer facing organisation with a brand that could communicate directly with its passengers. Through a series of workshops with key stakeholders we established and agreed a set of brand values and tone of voice to underpin the subsequent brand development.
The new visual identity has formalised the widely used company’s acronym ‘FER’ as the primary name translated across a range of applications.