Hamilton LRT moves ahead

The Hamilton LRT project, in Ontario’s Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, made a significant step forward earlier this month, gaining approval for its Environmental Project Report (EPR) by the Provincial Government on August 3rd. This news has opened the way for a Public Private Partnership (P3) procurement phase to proceed to detailed discussions with short-listed bidders. Construction is planned to begin in 2019, and the LRT is set to open in 2024.

Since 2008 Steer Davies Gleave has provided critical inputs to move the project forward. Our involvement started with the development of a business case assessment of the project for the Regional Transportation Agency, Metrolinx. Subsequently, we were appointed by the City of Hamilton to lead the preliminary design and engineering and environmental assessment of the initial ‘B-Line’ LRT in 2009. The 8 mile (13km) urban style, low floor LRT included alignment and stop designs, traffic assessments, ridership forecasts, stakeholder and public engagement, business case analysis and environmental assessment.

In May 2015, the Provincial Government announced full funding of $1 billion for the project. Since the announcement, Steer Davies Gleave has worked with the City of Hamilton and Metrolinx to update the LRT project design, update ridership forecasts and traffic assessments, and secure the updated environmental approval.

For further information on our urban transit work in Europe and across North America contact Steer Davies Gleave Director Alan Jones at alan.jones@sdgworld.net


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