Evaluating the impact of a new shared electric bikes programme in England

Steer Davies Gleave is working on behalf of Carplus/Bikeplus to evaluate the impacts of a new shared electric bikes programme. The programme, funded by the Department for Transport (DfT), supports the development of eleven projects in cities, rural areas and tourism hotspots in England. 

To understand the impact of the schemes on travel behaviour by users, Steer Davies Gleave has developed baseline and evaluation surveys to be distributed to all shared electric bike users. The surveys will provide data to help understand why people use the bikes, for what types of journey and how they would have travelled if the shared electric bikes had not been available.

Baseline data collection is currently underway. From the comments received, shared electric bike users enjoyed their experience and have highlighted some of the key motivations for using shared electric bikes: 

“A good way to get into exercise.” 
“Useful to keep up with younger children on bikes!”
“We both really enjoyed it and will likely do it again.”

User survey data and tracking data collected by Bikeplus from GPS units on selected bikes will provide stakeholders and decision-makers with an evidence base for shared electric bikes that is currently missing. Steer Davies Gleave’s evaluation of the programme will feed into the Carplus/Bikeplus report to DfT in November 2016. 

More information about the Shared Electric Bike Programme.

Woman on an electric bike

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