Bikeability Plus, encouraging children to take up cycling

Bikeability Plus is an exciting new initiative, which aims to overcome some of the key barriers to children cycling more often, such as not having access to a bike, not being able to ride, or not having parental permission to cycle. It is a programme of activities which complements the Bikeability cycle training already delivered across England. Following a successful pilot project, the Department for Transport is offering funding for its delivery to Local Authorities across England from September 2016.

Steer Davies Gleave has played an instrumental role in bringing Bikeability Plus to the point of national rollout. Back in the spring of 2014 our team convened a workshop of Bikeability deliverers from across England who had run, in addition to their core Bikeability cycle training, innovative or creative training or projects. This workshop created the ideas for the modules, which were then developed by the team at Steer Davies Gleave, into the ten modules which now make up Bikeability Plus. These modules include balance bike training for very young children (Bikeability Balance), basic training in bike mechanics (Bikeability Fix), fun try-out events for the whole family (Bikeability Promotion) and training for school children making the transition from primary to secondary school to support cycling to school (Bikeability Transition).

Bikeability plus

Image courtesy of Cycle Leeds

Between January and July 2015, Bikeability Plus was trialled in 18 areas across England. The Steer Davies Gleave team supported these areas providing the module descriptions, resources required to deliver the modules, as well as general support. In summer 2015, Steer Davies Gleave conducted a thorough evaluation of the pilot programme, including interviews with scheme co-ordinators as well as head teachers to provide the Department for Transport with a clear understanding of the benefits of Bikeability Plus.

From September 2016, the Department for Transport will offer Bikeability Plus to all Local Authorities across England as part of the wider offer of funding for Bikeability Levels 1 – 3. Our team’s work was a key component of this milestone being reached.


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