Webinar: Using gamification to encourage travel behavior change

Are you trying to reduce single occupancy vehicle (SOV) trips in your city? Have you got the tools to promote and encourage the use of alternative modes? Have you found it challenging to get engagement?

In our webinar "Using Gamification to encourage travel behavior change", we discuss how to use incentives, prizes and competitions to encourage commuters to try alternative modes.

What is gamification?

Gamification uses online game design techniques - such as incentives, competitions, challenges, point scoring - within a non-game context. The combination of these techniques help to change the behavior of commuters in a fun and exciting way. We have found that when using effective gamification techniques we can encourage commuters to switch to alternative transportation modes such as carpooling, public transit or biking and reduce SOV trips. 

What you will learn

Find out how to implement an online commuter challenge and uncover the psychological triggers that motivate people to make changes to their commuting habits.

Learn how to:

  • Implement a commuter challenge - and find out what motivates participation
  • Improve individual engagement - by making gamification part of your transportation demand management (TDM) strategy
  • Engage with more participants - using social media, competitions and incentives

Listen to the webinar here


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