Survey of fans reveal who is the champion of football travel

The Campaign for Better Transport has published a ranking of Premier League stadiums according to their accessibility by public transport and the ease of spectator travel to/from football games. Steer Davies Gleave has worked with four (Newcastle United, Arsenal, Fulham and Southampton) of the top five highly ranked clubs on projects to improve spectator travel.

Newcastle United topped the list by ‘working effectively with local authorities and transport providers’, with the report praising the ‘impressive Altoonative Travel – which includes a journey planner created for the club by Steer Davies Gleave. The website is part of a wider initiative to encourage sustainable travel to the stadium and enables fans to plan public transport and walking journeys from their front door to their seat which resulted from work we undertook with the Club and Newcastle City Council to identify a range of sustainable travel solutions for the stadium.

Steer Davies Gleave are also working closely with Arsenal FC, the club ranked second on Campaign for Better Transport’s list. We developed the hugely successful transport strategy for Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium which achieved a rate of 80% of spectators arriving by public transport, and we continue to work with the club on major events planning.

As part of  a demonstration project for Transport for London we  developed the stadium travel plan for Fulham (ranked 3rd)and are currently working with the City Council and Southampton FC (ranked 5th) to review sustainable travel provision for the stadium.

The ranking is based on a survey of fans conducted by Campaign for Better Transport, supporter club views and assessments of travel information and travel planning for each club. The report also contains the full results and analysis from the survey and recommendations for clubs, local authorities, transport operators and national bodies. Read the full report and rankings from Campaign for better Transport.

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