A Strategic Cycling Analysis to expand London's cycle network

Transport for London has recently published its Strategic Cycling Analysis report, which draws on innovative data to identify where best to expand London’s cycle network. The analysis takes account of existing and potential cycling demand and growth forecasts to identify where investment in cycling infrastructure could have the biggest impact in terms of growing cycling in the capital. The report gives an indication of where the next Cycle Superhighways, Quietways and Liveable Neighbourhoods will be built over the next ten years. High potential cycling corridors identified in the report have been prioritised and 25 top potential connections have recently been announced by London’s Walking and Cycling Commissioner, Will Norman. TfL will now work with the London boroughs to assess the feasibility of delivering cycling schemes in these areas.  

The report also explores wider analysis around the Healthy Streets benefits of cycling schemes, including opportunities to provide benefits for pedestrians and public transport users.

Steer Davies Gleave was commissioned to provide in-house consultancy support to TfL’s Cycling Strategy team for this project. Frances Alder, Senior Consultant in our Sustainable Transport team, joined TfL’s team over the course of ten months to support with the analysis presented in this report. The role involved collating and mapping datasets and including outputs from TfL’s new cycling model Cynemon, before assisting in the development of an indicative network of potential cycle connections to serve cycle demand and growth in London.


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