Steer Davies Gleave at this year's Rail~Volution conference

Once again, Steer Davies Gleave is proud to be involved as a partner of Rail~Volution, helping to shape the organization’s current conference program and provide input into its future. This year's conference will be held in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota.

Our participation in Rail~Volution, led by our representatives on the National Steering Committee, Tim Baldwin, and Ian Druce, fits well with SDG’s goals of working with local communities worldwide to help develop integrated transportation solutions that make our cities and urban areas better places to live, work and play.

Rail~Volution plays an important role in shaping policies and procedures related to linking land use and transportation. This fits perfectly with Steer Davies Gleave’s philosphies and goals, which is why we continue to support Rail~Volution. This year’s speakers from SDG include:

  • Tim Baldwin, moderating “Rail~Volution 101”
  • Ian Druce, moderating the discussion entitled “Eds and Meds: Leveraging Anchor Institutions to Create Community”
  • Parking: Does It Have to be the 800 Pound Gorilla?”
  • Alan Jones, a panelist at the discussion “LRT and Streetcars: Blurring the Lines” and “Active Transportation: Biking, Walking and Inventive Thinking”
  • Rebecca Powell, a panelist at the discussion “Planning and Designing Parking: Does It Have to be the 800 Pound Gorilla?”

We look forward to seeing you at this years conference.



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