Steer Davies Gleave will address the EU parliament Transport Committee on self-driving vehicles

Steer Davies Gleave’s Principal Consultant Roberta Frisoni will address the EU parliament Transport and Tourism Committee to present an assessment of state of the art developments and future perspectives of self-driving vehicles.

The presentation is part of a hearing that will evaluate the latest developments in vehicle automation, Intelligent Transport Systems and pricing. The event will take place in the next TRAN Committee meeting on Tuesday 26 April 15.00 to 17.30 in Brussels in Paul-Henri Spaak 1A002.

The study recommendations aim at contributing to the ongoing debate on policy actions and strategies taken at a EU  level on connected and automated vehicles. This ongoing debate saw a push forward on April 14 last week at the Informal Transport Council held in Amsterdam, where  Europe’s transport ministers, the European Commission and the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) signed a formal agreement on cooperation in the field of connected and automated driving. The agreement, known as the Declaration of Amsterdam,  sets the basis of cooperation amongst agents to  work together to ensure a successful deployment of these smart technologies across Europe.

A provisional version of the full report that will be presented at the EU parliament Transport and Tourism Committee can be read here: Study on Self-piloted cars - provisional version. Roberta’s presentation can be followed live through the European Parliament’s website.



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