Steer Davies Gleave sponsors first international workshop on public transport geoinformation

Steer Davies Gleave are sponsoring the International Cartographic Association’s upcoming event Workshop on "User Issues in Geospatial Public Transport Information", which will be held in Paris on July 1-2.

This is the first international workshop focusing on the use and usability of public transport maps, websites and mobile services. The two day event will incorporate presentations, discussion sessions and a display of maps and websites.

Steer Davies Gleave’s Clare Seldon will be presenting two papers at the workshop:

  • Empowering users to make alternative travel choices : a look at how Geospatial information can aid that decision process
  • Automation tools for the production of public transport maps: a Roman tale

The workshop will also see Steer Davies Gleave demonstrate our online journey planning capabilities, looking at how users can access real-time, dynamically sourced public transport information in order to plan a journey.



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