Steer Davies Gleave introducing the “Plan Estratégico de Movilidad 2026” for Querétaro

On 25 April, the " Plan Estratégico de Movilidad 2026" was announced for the Querétaro municipal district developed by Steer Davies Gleave.

Phil Berczuk, the project manager on behalf of Steer Davies Gleave, together with the Municipal President, Marcos Aguilar Vega and the Mobility Secretary of Querétaro Municipal district, Mauricio Cobo, presented the main mobility problems in the city and the proposed strategies to solve them.

At the national level, this is the first Strategic Mobility Plan that has, a ten-year vision and it is focused on persons and with human scale, as well as a strong combination of projects and policies to obtain deep changes, in the long run. Thus, this plan is constituted as an important step for Querétaro to develop in a sustainable manner, and with a comprehensive vision to give priority to non-motorised means of transport.

Steer Davies Gleave is proud to have participated in this project which aims to improve the quality of life for the people of Querétaro.

Plan Movilidad Queretaro

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