Steer Davies Gleave expert shares evidence with Local Transport Today that PTP can sustain change through time

Steer Davies Gleave recently revisited two of its Personalised Travel Planning (PTP) projects, in Thurrock and Cheltenham, to see if people’s adoption of more environmentally-friendly and active travel behaviours had been sustained, or if they had lapsed back into their old car-reliant habits. The findings have recently been featured in Local Transport Today.

The follow-up interviews showed that approximately two-thirds of the people that initially participated in the PTP project, and had changed their travel behaviour as a result, had sustained the change of travelling more sustainably after 30 months of the project taking place, with nearly all the drop-off happening within the first three months.

The results of this follow-up study highlights the fact that the impact of personalised travel planning on people’s travel behaviours may be much more sustained in the long-term than is commonly (and perhaps wrongly) assumed. The post-study in these two areas makes it clear that personalised travel plans can lead to new sustainable travel habits being formed and so are not only effective at influencing behaviour, but also provide exceptional value for money.

You can read the full article by Tony Duckenfield (Head of Behavioural Insight at Steer Davies Gleave) in Issue 678 of Local Transport Today on the TransportXtra website.

Find out more about PTP and the projects in Thurrock and Cheltenham


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