Steer Davies Gleave to develop transport plan for San Juan

Steer Davies Gleave is pleased to be appointed to develop the Comprehensive Transportation Plan for the Municipality of San Juan, Puerto Rico.

The project was competitively tendered and is part funded by the US Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The key objective of the project will be to develop, evaluate and determine the preferred master plan for the future intra and interurban transit system of San Juan. The work includes a significant public outreach program, an organizational governance review of the transport authority and the preparation of a funding plan for the preferred transit development scenario

Yilia Baugage-Bou, Head of Steer Davies Gleave in Puerto Rico said, “this is a fantastic and exciting project to win for Steer Davies Gleave. Our local insights and strong, relevant expertise from our international team also proved to be a winning formula.”

The project is due to start in July, and has a 9 month timescale. 


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