Steer Davies Gleave awarded runner-up for the WTS Employer of the Year award

We are proud to announce that Steer Davies Gleave is this year’s runner-up for the WTS Employer of the Year award coming second to Transport for London. Sharon Daly, our Head of UK Planning joined the ceremony in London to accept the award.

Founded in 1977, WTS is an international organisation dedicated to the advancement of women in transport. With over 5,000 members - both women and men - WTS continues to help women find opportunity and recognition in the transport industry. 

The transport industry tends to be male dominated with only 20% of the industry workforce women. The WTS award recognises that the balance between male and female staff at Steer Davies Gleave is notably higher than the industry average, especially within our senior management grades which commonly sees lower proportions of women. Over 40% of our staff are women. Our board and executive teams both have female representation — 43% of our business heads and 57% of our corporate heads are female. 

Peter Twelfree joined by Catherine Clark, Finance Director and Board member, and Kristin Eichwede our newest graduate.

We endeavour to support all our employees in achieving a positive work/life balance. As a company we pride ourselves in providing tailored, flexible working solutions for our employees. This is firmly embedded in our culture, values and policies. 

Training, mentoring and career development is integral to the company’s principles. Of the female corporate or business heads mentioned above, 82% of them have risen to these roles within the company, initially joining in junior positions.

On a related note, one of our directors, Peter Twelftree was recently awarded Honorary Lifetime Membership of WTS. Peter has a notable 44-year career in which he directed significant, skyline-changing projects across London including the planning and transport development at Canary Wharf from its inception in 1984 to the present day. 

Peter has been with Steer Davies Gleave for over 33 years and said of winning the award, “Over the years we have won many awards but I find this one particularly special, because it recognises something fundamental at SDG. We see all of our colleagues as equals – this is a core aspect of our ethos and is a great consequence of the natural culture at Steer Davies Gleave.”

To find out more about WTS and its great work, visit


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