Steer commits to ‘earn and learn’ by joining The 5% Club

Steer has showcased its commitment to developing its people by joining The 5% Club, an industry-led initiative focussed on driving momentum into the recruitment of apprentices, graduates and sponsored students.

The 5% Club, initiated by Leo Quinn CEO of Balfour Beatty in 2013, is a movement of more than 400 employers providing ‘earn and learn’ opportunities to develop the skills and talents people need to become more employable and create meaningful careers. Companies joining The 5% Club commit to raising the number of apprentices, sponsored students and graduates on formal programmes to 5% of their total workforce within five years.

At Steer, our values mirror those of The 5% Club; we pride ourselves on taking care of our employees and investing sustainably in skills for the future of our company and the industry as a whole. The 5% Club showcases our corporate responsibility and commitment to investment in skills/training as well as promoting diversity and inclusive work opportunities for all, irrespective of background.

Our award-winning 18-month Graduate Scheme provides graduates with a personalised development programme focusing on industry knowledge, consultancy skills, technical training, project management and core business skills. Steer also provides multiple apprenticeship opportunities to both upskill our current employees as well as to create an alternative route into the company.

Mike Goggin, UK Managing Director at Steer said:

Steer is delighted to sign-up and play our part to deliver the ambition of the 5% Club. Steer has a strong and supportive culture across its business and it’s great that we’ll be able to continue to share our insights and support to an increasingly diverse set of people across a range of roles.

If you are interested in our Graduate Scheme, check out our graduate page or contact Andy Bisby, our Early Careers Advisor:

To find out more information about The 5% Club and how to become a member, please visit the 5% Club website.

5 percent club logo


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