Shell Centre's £1.3billion redevelopment to start soon

Demolition and construction work will soon begin on the £1.3 billion redevelopment of the Shell Centre on London’s South Bank. The scheme has cleared the final hurdles in being granted planning permission following a High Court ruling which was preceded by a Planning Inquiry following the ‘calling in’ of the application by the Secretary of State. 

Steer Davies Gleave has supported the applicant, Braeburn Estates, throughout the project from the initial conceptual design stages through to the planning approval by Lambeth Council in May 2013. Following the ‘calling in’ of the application, SDG has provided ongoing support through the Planning Inquiry and subsequent legal challenges.

Shell Centre









The redevelopment will deliver up to 800 new homes, approximately 85,000 sqm of office space and 7,000 sqm of retail floorspace. The proposals include improvements to pedestrian realm with the creation of numerous walking routes which will significantly increase pedestrian connectivity through the South Bank. These new connections will facilitate substantial changes to pedestrian movement, enhancing the permeability of pedestrians between Waterloo Station and the various cultural attractions along the South Bank riverside.

Steer Davies Gleave will continue to support Braeburn Estates in the discharging of all transport related planning conditions and the S278 detailed design delivering numerous highway improvements within the vicinity of the site.  


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