Steer is delighted to have secured roles over the last six months within delivery partner teams for three major multi-year Prosperity Fund programmes. These are located in Mexico (Future Cities Programme), India (Sustainable Cities for Shared Prosperity) and Colombia (Global Infrastructure Programme). Successful and efficient delivery of these important Overseas Development Assistance funded programmes is supported by our global reach. We draw on our international expertise to build shared understanding across stakeholder groups, new markets and new situations, to ultimately improve outcomes.
The Prosperity Fund, administered by the Foreign and Commonwealth office, aims to improve economic development to help build long-term inclusive growth. As a secondary benefit, this will open market opportunities for foreign countries, including UK businesses.
Working with lead partners PwC (Colombia and Mexico) and Mott MacDonald (India), Steer combines teams with local market knowledge in each country with international good practice to deliver effective and implementable advice, training, and pilot projects.
In Mexico the objective of the Future Cities programme is to support urban development in selected cities that results in safer, resilient and more sustainable mobility services for citizens, particularly for women and girls. There are two interventions:
- Improved governance, decision-making and planning mechanisms for urban mobility services within Mexico’s cities and
- Adoption of strategies tested in successful pilots to deliver better urban mobility services, particularly for women and girls in Mexico’s cities. The implementation phase started in September 2019.
In India the objective of the Future Cities programme is to support urban development in selected cities across seven states with a potential to unlock the finance needed to revolutionise the development of these cities, fostering inclusive economic growth and improving the lives of their citizens. The aim is to develop five high impact interventions in the areas of urban transport, water, sanitation and solid waste management which can be used to alleviate bottlenecks of sustainable growth in these cities. The implementation phase starts in December 2019.
In Colombia the objective of the Global Infrastructure Programme (GIP) is to support sustainable infrastructure development in Colombia. The project aims to adapt UK methodologies that allow for better planning, delivery and management of major infrastructure projects to the Colombian context. The methodologies are the Treasury’s Five Case Model (5CM) and the Infrastructure and Projects Authority’s (IPA) Project Initiation Routemap (PIR), which have become references of international good practise. The project will investigate ways of adapting the methodologies, taking account of current national guidance, methodologies and regulations. The implementation stage will involve the development of adapted guidance and training materials, together with a comprehensive training program to government officials within Colombia.