Preferred bidder confirmed for major Italian road concession

A consortium led by Italian motorway operator SATAP has been appointed as the preferred bidder for the Piacenza-Cremona-Brescia stretch of the A21 toll road concession in northern Italy.

The Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (MIT) confirmed on Tuesday the 12th of May that the SATAP consortium has formally been awarded the concession contract. SATAP, which already operates under a concession agreement most of the A21 toll road between Turin and Piacenza,  will operate  and maintain the existing 88km stretch between the cities of Piacenza, Cremona and Brescia for the next 30 years, and expand it by building and managing an additional connecting road.

In March, a Ministry committee attributed a combined score of 91.54 out of 100 to SATAP – compared to a score of 88.47 to the other competing consortium, SIS, a joint venture comprising Italian firm Fininc and Sacyr.

SATAP, the main asset of the SIAS motorway group, has a 70% stake in the consortium, whilst construction group Itinera owns the other 30%. Both SIAS and Itinera are owned by Italian infrastructure group Gavio.

Steer Davies Gleave is acting as traffic advisor for all the motorway network operated by the SIAS group and was supporting SATAP on the A21 tender for all the traffic and revenue aspects.


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