Our response to COVID-19

Steer has always been committed to helping people, places and economies thrive. As a global community, we are now facing the challenge of responding appropriately for COVID-19. We are doing all we can to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our employees and communities, maintain operational resilience and support our clients around the world.

Over the past two months, we have been reviewing and responding to the changing situation to protect our people. We continue to take precautionary measures to minimise both infection and business disruption, following the guidance from the World Health Organization and government agencies – this will continue.

Around the world, our teams have implemented flexible and remote work arrangements that enable us to remain fully operational from all of our regions. Our business continuity management system is in place to reduce the impacts of the pandemic on our work and our clients. With collaboration at the heart of everything we do, our teams continue to deliver projects and communicate with our clients using secure online collaborative tools and meeting solutions.

While there is much uncertainty about the pandemic, Steer remains focused on providing our clients with the highest level of service and response to emerging needs and priorities. We continue to provide our full range of services to the same quality while being flexible in how we help you - we recognise your business needs may now be very different than they were just weeks ago. 

We hope all our clients, colleagues and industry friends across the world remain safe and well.


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