NYC Ferry system expands to serve all five boroughs

Steer continues to be a key part of New York City’s ferry success. We have been working closely with the City since 2013, when Steer led a team that provided the planning for the expansion from one to six ferry routes. Currently the system serves over 4.6 million riders a year and has been widely praised for being a major factor in the dramatic rebirth of the waterfront in Brooklyn and Queens. Over the last year Steer has been a crucial part of the team that advised the City on the further expansion of NYC Ferry, which was formalized in a recent announcement by Mayor Bill de Blasio during his State of the City annual address: Over the next two years the service will expand to include a route between Staten Island and Manhattan, as well a new route from Coney Island in Brooklyn and additional service to the Bronx.

Steer’s role has been an essential part of the City’s strategic planning, from developing ridership forecasts for planned routes to identifying the locations and routes that would optimize accessibility while serving communities ill-served by other transit. While the service has been popular with commuters, it has also been a key factor in fostering leisure and cultural activities for millions of residents and visitors – all for a fare equal to the subway’s.

Read the full 2018-2019 NYC Ferry Expansion Feasibility Study on the NYCEDC website (PDF).

Read Mayor de Blasio's press release on the NYCEDC website


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