Making the most of the Local Sustainable Transport Fund

As English local transport authorities (LTAs) eagerly await the guidance on the Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF), we discuss what we already know about this.

Norman Baker’s statement to parliament about the LSTF on 13 December has provided LTAs (outside London) with much to think about. As well as developing implementation plans for their Local Transport Plans and considering what the cuts to the integrated transport block means for smaller schemes geared toward sustainable transport, LTAs are also faced with formulating credible bids for packages of measures within the new Fund. It has been suggested that packages might include measures that promote walking and cycling, ways to encourage modal shift and manage demands on the network more effectively, and ways of securing better traffic management. Improving road safety and air quality remain a priority, and improving access and mobility for local communities is also likely to be important.

We consider here some of the issues that are likely to be exercising senior officers minds in the coming weeks, including: 

  • The objectives of the Fund
  • How the finances are likely to stack up
  • The bidding process and strategies for a successful bid.


Read the paper: Making the most of the Local Sustainable Transport Fund (PDF)

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