Landmark office tower receives planning permission

Last Thursday Almacantar Ltd received planning permission to convert the iconic 33-floor Centre Point Tower from office space to 82 apartments. Steer Davies Gleave has worked with Almacantar over the past two years to develop transport proposals which transform the public space at the base of the tower and help enable the regeneration of the entire area. We worked with Transport for London and Camden Council to agree changes to traffic and bus arrangements and the recent approval of the proposals means that the refurbishment works should begin in early 2014.

Centre Point is an iconic listed 33-floor landmark office tower situated in central London. Originally constructed in the early 1960s, the transport access arrangements for the building also reflect different times. Almacantar, the new owner of the building, has been working to refurbish the buildings as a residential development with high-quality retail facilities on the ground floor and a significant reduction in the level of car parking. At the same time they have been working to improve the public realm around the site as part of wider proposals to improve the area near St Giles Circus, a key location in the new area being redefined as “mid town”.

A Planning Application for the scheme was submitted in April 2013 and Planning Permission was granted in July 2013. Refurbishment works are expected to begin in January 2014.


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