Jonathan Thurlwell & David James join Steer to develop a new Energy Regulation line of business

Steer is pleased to welcome Jonathan Thurlwell, Associate Director and David James, Associate to our London office. As energy and utility experts, with a wealth of experience providing specialist economic advice to both public and private sector clients, they will develop and grow a new line of business focused on Energy Regulation.

Jonathan brings to Steer a wide range of experience in management consultancy, the energy utility industry and UK government. He has 24 years’ experience in the energy and utility sectors providing specialist policy, market design and regulatory economics advice to governments, national regulatory authorities and energy utility companies. David has over 30 years’ experience in the energy and utility sectors, providing regulatory advice, capacity-building support and economic and financial analyses to governments and private sector entities. Both have extensive experience of working with clients in the UK and internationally.

“We are delighted to have Jonathan and David join the Steer team,” said CEO Hugh Jones. “With the decarbonisation of transport moving up the policy agenda, the energy sector undergoing profound change and convergence between the two sectors, the energy sector regulatory and economic skills and experience that Jonathan and David bring will ensure that Steer can provide comprehensive advice on the ever-expanding challenges that our clients face.”

Jonathan Thurlwell David James


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