Indian airport passenger traffic continues to grow

Airports Authority of India's (AAI) recently published air traffic report highlights key statistics for aircraft movements, passenger traffic and freight for March 2015. The reported statistics make interesting reading as they confirm that strong growth was maintained in 2014-2015. In fact, over the course of the year, India’s airports served over 190 million passengers, which is a 12.5% increase on the 2013-2014 period.  
Domestic passengers using the airport reached over 139 million, which is an increase of 13.9% whereas international passenger volumes rose by 9.0% to 50.8 million.

Historically, Indian airports have achieved some of the fastest rates of traffic growth in the world’s major aviation markets - volumes have more than quadrupled since 2002 and, on average, have achieved growth of 13% per annum. Passenger growth has been especially strong in the domestic market (averaging 14% per annum) but the expansion in international markets has also been strong at 10.8% per annum.

Domestic & international passengers stats India

With the exceptions of 2008-2009, following the Global Financial Crisis, and 2012-2013 - when problems in the airline sector adversely influenced the traffic performance - volumes appear to have generally risen in relation to the growth in India’s economy. Over the period of 2002 to 2014, India GDP (gross domestic product) expanded by 7.7% per annum, with the airport traffic volumes growing at a rate of about 1.7 times the growth in GDP.

For further information on how SDG can help you assess traffic trends in the Indian aviation market, please contact either Serbjeet Kohli, or Paul Cresswell,


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