Hounslow working to become one of the first ‘Biking Boroughs’

Steer Davies Gleave has been appointed by the London Borough of Hounslow to develop an infrastructure strategy for the Isleworth and Brentford ‘cycle hub’.

The Borough is working towards becoming one of the first of the Mayor of London’s ‘Biking Boroughs’, which, after the Public Bike Hire and Cycle Highway schemes, forms the third pillar of the Mayor’s proposed ‘cycling revolution’ and will help to achieve the required 400% increase in cycling by 2026.

This cycle hub strategy will help to define a number of small-scale and cost-effective schemes such as:

  • The introduction or improvement of permeability measures
  • Improvement and expansion of the Greenways network, which links parks and open spaces across the west of the capital
  • Better signage and wayfinding information
  • New or higher-quality cycle parking on the public highway

When combined, the measures will help to highlight and provide shortened, more pleasant journeys using convenient cut-throughs and quieter routes around town centres for those using sustainable modes.

Mark Frost from the London Borough of Hounslow said:

“We are looking forward to working with Steer Davies Gleave to pull together an imaginative and exhaustive list of potential small scale improvements that can make a big difference to the quality of the experience had by those cycling through and within our cycle hub. These improvements should particularly address barriers to  less confident new and returning cyclists making their trips by bike.

“Steer Davies Gleave have developed a comprehensive methodology to identify potential schemes including an innovative approach to engaging the community linked to our new Hounslow Travel Active programme, a partnership project with NHS Hounslow to promote active travel.”

The study complements Steer Davies Gleave’s work on numerous cycling initiatives in the area such as the Hounslow SkyRide event, which saw 11,000 cyclists pass through the area, and larger-scale projects such as the scheme currently being developed for the Twickenham Road: Corridors and Neighbourhoods programme which will use a holistic approach to deliver benefits for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users along the route.


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