Hackney Cycling Conference 2018

Steer Davies Gleave, Hackney Council and the Hackney Cycling Campaign are joining forces to co-host the seventh annual Hackney Cycling Conference on 17 May 2018. Hackney enjoys the highest levels of cycling in London, and the event has become a fixture in the calendar of professionals, campaigners, and elected members eager to hear new ideas.

With UK-wide topics, this year’s conference will explore a range of themes including planning for cycling at a network level, new models and technologies in the world of bike sharing, best practice approaches to achieving behaviour change, and broader new transport policies which will facilitate cycling. 

Key speakers include Nicola Kane from Transport for Greater Manchester, Will Norman from Transport for London / the Greater London Assembly, and Kevin Golding-Williams from the Department for Transport. 

There is also an exciting opportunity to hear about international best practice, with Andreas Røhl of Gehl Architects sharing his experience of delivering Copenhagen’s Bicycle Programme and providing advice on planning for cycling in urban contexts to cities such as Vancouver, Berlin and Vienna. 

You can register for the conference on the event website.

Person at Hackney Conference



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