Envisioning a new multi-modal train station in Goleta, CA

Steer has partnered with Rincon Consulting to prepare a Master Plan for a new Amtrak Station in Goleta, California located north of the City of Santa Barbara. The City of Goleta received a $13 million Transit and Capital Rail Capital Program (TCRCP) grant to construct a new multi-modal train station at the location of the existing Amtrak platform with the intent to increase rail ridership by providing a full-service station, improve connections to transit, add new bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and allow accommodation for a potential future additional train storage.

The Master Plan informs the design stage of the project through recommendations that improve multimodal access to the station and circulation between the station and the existing Amtrak platform. Steer is responsible for evaluating on-site and off-site access and circulation and analyzing connectivity issues, challenges, and obstacles throughout the City and region to identify where best to invest in on and off-site improvements to improve access to the station site. Steer also assisted the City of Goleta and Rincon in engaging stakeholders and the community to identify challenges and obstacles in using rail transit generally and using the Goleta train station specifically.


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