CCC report says demand for air travel needs to be curbed

Air travel cannot continue to grow unchecked if UK's emissions targets are to be met, says a new report published today by the Committee on Climate Change (CCC). The report concluded that the aviation industry can grow by up to 60% between now and 2050 without causing the Government to miss its carbon reduction target for aviation emissions.

The report finds that on a ‘business as usual’ path, UK air passenger demand would grow over 200% by 2050 and this would not be compatible with meeting the UK’s emission targets.

Steer Davies Gleave's ‘Potential for modal shift from air to rail’ was one of three reports used by the CCC to highlight various options for reducing demand in air travel. The CCC commissioned analysis from Steer Davies Gleave to estimate the potential for a modal shift between UK aviation and rail both for trips within the UK and for trips between the UK and Europe.

The CCC report ‘Meeting the UK aviation target – options for reducing emissions to 2050’ also highlights other options for reducing demand, which include a rise in carbon pricing and the use of video-conferencing technology to substitute for business trips.

In January 2009 the Government adopted a target to reduce UK aviation emissions back to 2005 levels in 2050 alongside its decision to support expansion of Heathrow airport.



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