A burst of fresh thinking on increasing densities in London

Movement Matters is a series of inspirational seminars, debates and workshops in the UK and USA, presented by Steer Davies Gleave, exploring how transport shapes and influences places, people and economies.

Drawing on experience from international leaders in transport, government and related industries, we share insights and debate opportunities and challenges. The UK sessions have so far featured a range of thought-provoking and stimulating topics including ‘Disruption or decline, what’s next for the black cab’ and the ‘Future of the Railway Organisation’. These last two seminars were a total success and gathered industry experts and clients in insightful sessions that provided fresh thinking without keeping attendees out of the office for too long. 

The rise of the high-rise  

Wednesday, 14 June 2017 | 8.00-9.45am

Our next event in the UK - The rise of the high-rise, will take place next Wednesday 14 June from 8 am to 9:45 in SE1, and will provide a forum for an informed discussion around the subject of the density of development in London and how existing and planned transport corridors offer opportunities for delivering greater housing numbers in the outer parts of London.

Our panellists will set the scene in terms of a policy position from Transport for London, an architect’s view (Allies and Morrison LLP) on how good design can deliver quality development at increasing densities, and an indication of how developers (Mount Anvil) are reacting to evolving policy and their customers’ view on desirable development.

This event is SOLD OUT. If you wish to join us to discuss 'how can London cope with higher densities' while enjoying a tasty breakfast and an opportunity to network, join our waiting list here and we will let you know if any places become available. 


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