Aviation expert Stephen D. Van Beek joins Steer Davies Gleave to head our North American Aviation practice

Steer Davies Gleave is pleased to announce the appointment of Stephen D. Van Beek, Ph.D. who joins us to lead the development of a North American aviation practice from our new office in Washington DC.

Stephen has a distinguished career as a professor, senior government official and management consultant focusing on policy and regulatory services as well as strategic and business planning. 

He has represented all US and Canadian commercial service airports and has provided advisory services to over 50 US airports, including many of the nation’s largest. His past roles include serving as Head of Policy for the Airports Council International North America, and as Associate Deputy Secretary and Head of Intermodalism for the US Department of Transportation. He was also a member of the FAA’s Management Advisory Council. 

More recently, Stephen was seconded to the Airports Council International, Montreal as Head of Economics. He continues to serve as a Senior Transport Advisor to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) based in Brussels.

At Steer Davies Gleave, Stephen will provide business and strategic planning as well as policy/regulatory services. He will initially focus on delivering advisory services to airports and commercial aviation companies, working with clients to deliver system-level solutions in the area of surface transportation and intermodal access.

Steve Hewitt Chief Operating Officer at Steer Davies Gleave said “Steve’s experience in forging solutions to many of transportation and aviation’s most important policy and industry problems establish him as the perfect person to lead our North American aviation business and provide yet another industry leader to our growing team.”

Stephen Van Beek

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