Associate François Tomeo joins our team in Toronto

Steer is pleased to welcome François Tomeo, Associate, to our Toronto office. François is a transportation planner with over 20 years of professional experience solving transportation problems for governmental, municipal and private sector clients.

François holds of a Bachelor of Engineering degree from the École Polytechnique de Montréal, has completed graduate studies in Business Administration at HEC Montréal and Data Science at Harvard Extension School, and is a registered professional engineer in Ontario, Quebec and Alberta. His broad range of transportation experience includes multimodal transportation master planning, travel demand forecasting, traffic operation assessment, as well as transit and parking planning studies. Over his career, François has directed multiple studies integrating transportation planning, traffic engineering and transportation modeling for clients such as the Cities of Toronto and Montreal, Metrolinx and the Ministries of Transportation of Ontario and Quebec.

François’ extensive knowledge of transportation modeling, combined with his experience working in different environments, ranging from very dense urban areas to rural communities, gives him a thorough understanding of the needs and multimodal solutions that apply to specific contexts. He has extensive experience developing multi-tier modeling frameworks integrating macro, meso and microscopic levels of analysis to comprehensively assess travel demand and multimodal networks.

Prior to joining Steer, François was a Team Leader for Stantec. During this time, he worked in the areas of Montreal and Toronto, where he expanded the transportation planning and traffic engineering (TPTE) practice in the Greater Toronto Area over the last 3 years. 

At Steer, François will lead the development of the transportation planning and traffic engineering practice in Eastern Canada. He will work closely with the Toronto and wider Canadian team. “François brings extensive experience across transportation planning, modeling and traffic operations and safety,” Ian Druce, Head of Canada, said. “We are thrilled to welcome François to the team.”


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